



好想現在有場傾盆大雨 讓我陶醉在那些雨滴中 這樣眼淚突然的掉下也不會有任何人發現 各位大大們我需要中文翻英文


好想現在有場傾盆大雨 讓我陶醉在那些雨滴中 這樣眼淚突然的掉下也不會有任何人發現 直接翻可翻譯成: I pray for rain, pray to indulge myself in the raindrops. And then, no one would know if tears run down my chin. 可以用,句子並沒有錯,但開心和傷心同在使得文意不暢,故沒人這麼用 可修改如下句為佳: I pray for rain. Let the raindrops fall on every inch of my skin. So no one would know if tears run down my chin.


Good thought that now will have the field torrential downpour to let me be infatuated with such tear sudden falls down in these raindrop will not have anybody discovery 2009-11-01 16:52:35 補充: Good thought that now will have the field torrential downpour to let me be infatuated with such tear sudden falls down in these raindrop will not have anybody discovery|||||好想現在有場傾盆大雨 I desire the sudden downpour right now 讓我陶醉在那些雨滴中 Let me revel in those raindrops 這樣眼淚突然的掉下也不會有任何人發現 Therefore,no one could detect my sudden tears is shedding. 2009-10-25 17:56:52 補充: 參考3樓大大的 XD I pray for rain. Let the raindrops fall on every inch of my skin. So no one would notice if my tears drop.|||||Good thought that now will have the field torrential downpour to let me be infatuated with such tear sudden falls down in these raindrop will not have anybody discovery746FFA66609DA332


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