


有點太多了自己時再翻意不完希望大家幫忙一下~"~不要用翻譯成市直接翻唷~關於討論的部分Rotavirus is the major viral pathogen responsiblefor pediatric gastroenteritis. It infects and replicates inthe mature enterocytes of the small intestine, causingflattening of epithelial cells, blunting of villi, increasedcrypt depth, and increased... 顯示更多 有點太多了自己時再翻意不完希望大家幫忙一下~"~ 不要用翻譯成市直接翻唷~ 關於討論的部分 Rotavirus is the major viral pathogen responsible for pediatric gastroenteritis. It infects and replicates in the mature enterocytes of the small intestine, causing flattening of epithelial cells, blunting of villi, increased crypt depth, and increased inflammatory cells in the lamina propria.Although it is well recognized that infected epithelial cells are the major target of activated immune cells, there is growing evidence that epithelial cells can also function as an early warning system to the immune cells in the underlying mucosa. Recently, gut epithelial cells have been shown to produce chemokines after bacterial and protozoal infections as well as cytokine stimulation. Chemokines are a novel class of small cytokines that can recruit and activate different populations of leukocytes and therefore have a potential role as important mediators of immune/inflammatory responses. In this study, we investigated the repertoire of CXC and CC chemokines produced by two cultured intestinal epithelial cell lines, HT29 and Caco-2, after rotavirus infection. We show that rotavirus infection induces increased secretion of IL-8, GRO-a, and RANTES in HT29 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner that requires viral replication.


Rotavirus 是主要病毒病原生物負責任對小兒科胃腸炎。它傳染並且複製品在小腸的成熟enterocytes, 造成鋪平上皮細胞, blunting 絨毛, 增加的土窖深度, 和增加的激動細胞在lamina propria.Although 它很好被認可被傳染的上皮細胞是被激活的免疫細胞的主要目標, 那裡生長證據上皮細胞可能並且功能作為早期警報系統對免疫細胞在部下的mucosa 。最近, 毀壞上皮細胞被顯示了對產物chemokines 在細菌和原生動物的傳染以後並且cytokine 刺激。Chemokines 是可能吸收和激活白血球不同的人口和因此有一個潛在的角色作為immune/inflammatory 反應重要斡旋人小cytokines 的新穎的組。在這項研究中, 我們調查了保留節目CXC 並且CC chemokines 由二生產開化了小腸上皮細胞線, HT29 和Caco-2, 在rotavirus 傳染以後。我們表示, rotavirus 傳染導致IL-8 、GRO-a, 和RANTES 的增加的分泌物在HT29 細胞裡以要求病毒複製的藥量和非定常方式。


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