
Right Where You Want Me 歌詞翻譯


誰可以翻譯一下啊 謝謝 感激不盡的 我要翻譯翻譯 謝謝 : ) 不要自己advanced彭蒙惠英語亂翻喔= =


Searching for my place in this world (在這個世界找尋我的落腳處) Getting lost over and over again (但總是一次又一次的迷失方向) Casting lustrous pearls (磨去了光澤的珍珠) Yet you protected my heart (然而你保護了我的心) You never let me stray too far (你不曾令我迷失太遠)英翻中線上翻譯 google You knew I couldn’t pull myself out (你知道我無法靠自己胳臂的力量將自己抽離的) By the strength of my arms (…↑) You’ve got me right where you want me (你想要我的地方就會有我) You took me and put me in my place (你帶走了我,把我放在那) You’ve got me right where you want me (你想要我的地方就會有我) And I never felt better (但我從未感到更好過) All of my words were profane (我所說的話都是濫說) The only time I called Your Name I took it in vain (唯一一次我叫了你的名字但最後還是空手而回) Yet You heard my cry, even though I lived a lie (你依然聽見我哭泣,雖然我活在謊言裡) You new that I would be Your servant (你知道我一直都會是你的僕人) ‘Til the day that I die (直到我死去的那一天) You’ve got me right where you want me (你想要我的地方就會有我) You’ve got me right where you want me (你想要我的地方就會有我) You’ve got me right where you want me (你想要我的地方就會有我) 是這首嗎?! 新手自行翻譯,還請多包涵了…


你說的是Jesse McCartney唱的嗎?? 是英文歌嗎?? 但是這裡是日台大文城文理補習班文區優3A11B16A9FCDDCC2

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