


How is Gawain an example of the perfect medieval knight? 請外文系的前輩們提供一下您的見解或您所整理的相關英語動畫文法資訊,以供參考。 感謝您不吝賜教!


Out of the devotion to King Arthur and a knight’s honor, Gawain accepts the Green Knight’s beheading challenge on New Year’s Day at King Arthur’s court and accordingly sets out on the quest which is essentially a test of his virtue. On Christmas Eve of the following year, Gawain stays at a castle where he and the host promise that each shall give to the other what he receives during the three days. The host honorably turns over to Gawain his three days’ hunting, and Gawain in return gives the host kisses bestowed on him by the hostess, who has been unsuccessfully tempting him to make love to her. Out of his fear for his life, however, Gawain receives from the hostess a girdle which protects its wearer from injury. On the third day, Gawain does not reveal that he is also given the magic girdle which can save his life in his forthcoming encounter with the Green Knight. Later, he is not killed by the Green Knight but nicked slightly on the neck. In conclusion, Gawain exemplifies the perfect medieval knight, though he in the end, for life, does not reveal his receiving of the girdle. After all, he has been loyal to King Arthur, courageous to accept the Green Knight’s deadly game and courteous to the hostess.



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